We provided media relations support to ASAM around the release of a new National Practice Guideline for the Use of Medications in the Treatment of Addition Involving Opioid Use. The date of the press conference coincided with the Pope’s visit to Washington shutting down access around the city. The press conference featured ASAM leadership, federal partners (including CDC, NIDA, SAMHSA, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy), and a member of the Virginia Governor’s Task Force on Prescription Drug and Heroin abuse who talked about the epidemic’s impact on his family. It was no small feat to get coverage with everyone focused on the Pontiff! We reached out to local, national, and trade media outlets, and provided interviews and quotes to publications ranging from The Washington Post and The New York Times to Pew Charitable Trusts. We also secured mentions in a variety of medical trade publications.
Media Relations: American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
April 12, 2017 by