This post was originally published on Marketing, Musings and More
Standing on the precipice of desperation
Darkness whispered in your ear
Void of rational thought, burdened heart listened
Tilted head and heard the bottomless pit of hopelessness, calling softly, come, come
Gun cocked, thoughts silenced
Bang! End of pain, end of thought and darkness welcomed you
A mother’s heart beats wildly, world spinning in fear
Mouth moves but makes no sound, chest heaves with panic
Body moves in slow motion toward the sound
Eyes behold what mind does not, God no, no, no
Sirens blare but rescue is too late
Flashing lights and uniforms surround your now still form
Was it true, I was there what could I do
The noise in your head has spun ours into silence
Left to bear the pain of your decision, left to wonder why
Pitying looks, awkward silences
Comforting pats on back, we’ll never know what caused the break
But we are left to ask why for the rest of our days
Why didn’t you love us enough?